Why Victims Of Violent Crime Should Claim Compensation

Victims of violent crime can be left with serious physical and mental injuries that take considerable time to heal. Not only is there the physical injury itself but also the potential for emotional and mental distress caused by the injury. It is important that victims of violent crime are able to claim compensation so that they can enjoy the necessary time to heal and get back to good health.

Compensation is primarily determined by the type and extent of injury that a person suffers. More minor injuries may attract compensation of £1,000 while considerable and serious injuries are more likely to carry compensation payments of tens of thousands of pounds. Multiple injuries may lead to higher payments with the highest usually reserved for serious brain injuries, spinal injuries, and the loss of limbs as well as those that require years to recuperate.

An element of compensation is also awarded according to any loss of earnings that a person suffers. Thankfully, most injuries will usually only require a day or two off work but there are some that may need weeks or months off work. The most severe injuries can leave victims unable to secure and keep a job, therefore eliminating the possibility of earning money again in the future.

The most important step for victims of violent crime is to report the crime to police. When attending court or applying for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, it will have to be determined that a person has indeed reported the incident otherwise no compensation will usually be awarded.

There are some cases where the victim is unable to claim directly from the offender. For example, if the police have been unable to identify or catch the offender. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority is a scheme that calculates and awards compensation to victims that are caught in this situation. Victims will usually receive the majority, although still only a portion, of the compensation that they should be due but there are no court costs to pay. It is possible to claim through the CICA without legal representation but having a solicitor can help ensure that the victim receives a fair and full figure.


Making a claim for your personal injuries with Stocks Legal is really easy. You can speak to an experienced personal injury solicitor today by calling 0800 988 9055 or you can use our online claim enquiry form by clicking here. There is no obligation and you have nothing to lose by speaking to us.


Mike Topper is the litigation manager at Stocks Legal Personal Injury Solicitors. Mike is highly experienced in all types of personal injury cases. He is highly focussed on client care and getting the maximum compensation that is available for his clients and their families. He rightly sees personal injury claims as a real must for the English legal System as without a proper compensation structure, many injury people can be left with no support or ongoing medical treatment.

If you have any questions arising from this article to can contact Mike by calling 0800 988 9055 or by sending him an email by clicking here.

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